Small pancakes that fit in your hand, do not need cutlery, just grab it and carry on ... They look very nice on a party table, they can also be a side dish or a tasty snack. In this recipe, with the addition of hummus, but any sauce, pesto, paste, etc. fits with them. Maybe something left from yesterday's dinner? This pancake will accept anything! All you need to have is chickpea flour. The rest is just fantasy ...
- 1 cup chickpea flour
- 1 cup water
- 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
- 1/4 tsp cumin
- pinch of chili powder
- salt and pepper
- olive oil
in addition:
- hummus
- dried tomatoes in oil
- carrot cut into thin strips
- letuce/sałata/rocket/Chinese cabbage/spinach
- cucumber
- olives
- pepper
- radish
- capers
- Cut all vegetables and leave aside.
- Put dry ingredients to a bowl (flour, nutritional yeast, cumin, chili powder, salt, pepper).
- Mix with a whisk.
- Add water and keep stirring until you get rid of the lumps.
- Leave aside for 10 minutes.
- Pour some olive oil into the pan and fry the pancakes.
- Serve with hummus and favourite vegetables.

Wyglądają apetycznie😋Jakie są placuszki po upieczeniu? Twarde czy miękkie? Jak długo można je przechowywać i w jakich warunkach? Dziękuję
ReplyDeletedziękuję:) Trochę przypominają mi małe omleciki. Przechowywać w lodówce (myślę, że 3 dni dadzą radę, chociaż u mnie nie dotrwały nawet do następnego dnia:))